Judit Schneider
- Brandon, Rutland County, Vermont, United States
- 802-538-2027
- https://www.natureguidebyjudit.com/
- natureguidebyjudit@proton.me
- 05733
Hello, I’m Elena a Certified Natural Health Coach, a Movement Therapist, Yoga Teacher and Functional breathing coach.
I love anything that has to do with naturally enhancing our health and well being and also movement practices and yoga to feel great in the miracle of our human body and of course in our minds.
Do you have chronic health concerns, pain or simply wanting to enhance the quality of your well being?
My life’s mission has been focused on helping people finding their best self in terms of health and joy and my work revolves around supporting you in your journey to feel great in your body, learning to give your body what it needs to overcome chronic pain and health issues, providing the internal and external environment that it needs to reboot it’s self healing mechanism, helping you on your way to good health, vitality and happiness. My approach considers the complex and intricate relationship between mind, body and spirit that can manifest either with sickness or good health and also the part that our internal and external environments play in health and wellness and longevity.
Through the movement therapy and yoga, I aim to support you in your journey to feel great in your body by becoming a better mover, overcoming chronic pain and nagging issues in your body and your general health, giving your body what it needs to heal itself from illness and disease. I consider the whole of yourself and not bits and parts of you hence I call my approach holistic (there’s a complex intricate relationship between mind, body and spirit that can manifest either with sickness or good health and both our internal and external environment play their part)
Buteyko is a healing modality developed by Ukrainian physician Dr. Konstantin Buteyko. It uses gentle breathing exercises to restore optimal breathing efficiency and oxygen delivery.
By practicing breathing exercises from the Buteyko Method you can experience more open airways and improved blood circulation in a matter of minutes. This alone is enough to demonstrate the relationship between your everyday breathing and state of health.
There are a lot of breathing exercises that can be performed in order to improve the oxygen usage in our bodies. Breathing exercises are good for plenty of reasons and can help people with sleep apnea, asthma, allergic rhinitis, long covid, mouth breathing, stress mitigation and cultivate more concentration and focus
Oxygen Advantage
The OA™ is a series of unique breathing exercises for optimum health and sports performance. The exercises focus on two pillars: functional breathing and simulation of high altitude training
A movement enhancement system that develops maximum body control, flexibility and USABLE ranges of motion.
Functional Range Conditioning
Mobility refers to the amount of active, usable motion that one possesses. The more mobile a person is, the more they are able to maximise their movement potential safely, efficiently, and effectively.
While improving mobility and movement potential, the FRC® system also acts to ‘bullet proof’ (or safe-guard) your joints so that movement can be executed safely.
It also improves the function of your nervous system. This leads to a reduction of pain and injury, joint health and longevity, as well as an increased ability to move freely and easily.
Functional Range Assessment
FRA is a measurement based assessment system that provides objective measures of a persons movement capacity for each and every articulation. Then training inputs (FRC®) are able to be directed at the individual’s specific deficits and or needs
The three above are part of the same system and they cater to everyone. Athletes, dancers and the general population including yogis. It doesn’t mean that if we are flexible that our joints are resilient and strong, that we have good body control, that we are out of pain. All this can be fist assessed through FRA and then addressed through the FRC and Kinstretch practices. In my opinion, everyone can benefit from this
The ELDOA exercises and Myofascial Stretches are specific techniques created by world renowned osteopath, Guy VOYER DO.
ELDOA is a French acronym that stands for "Etirements Longitudinaux avec Decoaptation Osteo-Articulaire" - which translates to Longitudinal Osteoarticular Decoaptation Stretches
The postural self-normalising techniques taught within the ELDOA METHOD are designed to normalise facial tension, widen the space within a chosen articulation which in turn relieves pain. Each technique requires strong attention to form and correct progression so to experience the best results it’s important to receive instruction from a certified ELDOA/MFS Instructor.
Myofascial Stretching is one of the safest and most effective ways to create space and balance in the body. As the quality of your tissue improves with the stimulus created by the Myofascial Stretches, you’ll find that you have better posture, greater range of motion, that you are able to perform tasks with greater ease, and you’ll suffer fewer injuries.
Goals of ELDOA and Myofacial stretching
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